Would you like to be trained to become part of a new generation of professionals and to work, with a prestigious European fellowship, in an international and multidisciplinary team of researchers, managers and entrepeneurs on the themes central to HERILAND? Then, the HERILAND partners would like to get to know you. Apply for the position of PhD in one of our 15 research and training projects in Italy, Israel, the UK, Sweden, Poland and the Netherlands.
Depending on the PhD position, we invite candidates from a range of disciplines, including Heritage Studies, Culture Studies, European Studies, (Art-/Architectural) History, Geography, Archaeology, Economics, Social Sciences, Governance Studies, Architecture, Urban/Spatial planning and design and Computer Science. The application procedure will start on February, 1, 2019 and will stop mid March 2019 (the exact closing date varies locally). More information on what we offer and on job descriptions, tasks, requirements, application criteria and procedures, you will find in every single vacancy announcement. Candidates can apply for a maximum of three positions.
- Heritage-as-landscape and its Socio-Political drivers. VUA (NL)
- Heritage in Economic Growth and Social Renewal, at UGOT (SW)
- Making trans-sectoral connections in governance, regulation and legislative frameworks, at UNEW (UK)
- Innovative governance systems for future heritage planning, at VUA (NL)
- Inclusive Heritage Management Processes, at TUD (NL)
- Urban Heritage and Mass Tourism, at UNIROMA3 (IT)
- Citizen Science Methods for Collaborative Mapping of Heritage Values, at VUA (NL)
- Gamification Methods for Collaborative Heritage Planning, at GRIDW (PL)
- Datascape Methods for Heritage Planning Professionals, at BEZAL (IL)
- Adaptation of Urban Heritage in Multicultural Society, at BEZAL (IL)
- Urban regeneration and Cultural Identity, at UNIROMA3 (IT)
- Heritage zoning and Population Decline and Growth, at TUD, NL
- Heritage development in large scale infrastructural project – a collaborative and trans-disciplinary approach, at UGOT (SW)
- Disappearing landscapes of Carpathians – towards participatory/collaborative model of conservation of cultural landscape, at GRIDW (PL)
- Heritage as lever of economic growth and social renewal in post-industrial landscapes, at UNEW (UK)
- Researchers can be of any nationality.
- No age limit.
- All researchers recruited in a Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN must be Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs). A ESR shall, at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, be in the first four years of their research careersand not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree. The four years start to count from the date when a researcher obtained the degree which would formally entitle him/her to embark on a doctorate.
- Researchers are required to undertake transnational mobility(i.e. move from one country to another) when taking up their appointment. One general rule applies to the appointment of researchers: At the time of recruitment by the host beneficiary, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. Note that the mobility rule applies to the beneficiary where the researcher is recruited, and not to beneficiaries to which the researcher is sent or seconded.
- For all recruitment, the eligibility and mobility of the researcher will be determined at the time of their (first) recruitment in the project. The status of the researcher will not evolve over the life-time of a contract.
Download Guide for Applicants (not yet available)