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The 15 available PhD positions; apply now

‘The Spatial Turn’

  1. Heritage-as-landscape and its socio-political drivers. Host: VUA (NL) (CLOSED)
  2. Heritage in economic growth and social renewal. Host: UGOT (SE) (CLOSED)
  3. Making trans-sectoral connections in governance, regulation and legislative frameworks. Host: UNEW (UK) (CLOSED)


  1. Innovative governance systems for future heritage planning. Host: VUA (NL) (CLOSED)
  2. Inclusive heritage management processes. Host: TUD (NL) (CLOSED)
  3. Urban heritage and mass tourism. Host: ROMA3 (IT) (CLOSED)

‘Digital transformations’

  1. Citizen Science and big data for collaborative, heritage-based planning of city development. Host: UNEW (UK) (CLOSED)
  2. Gamification methods for collaborative heritage planning. Host: VUA (NL) (CLOSED)
  3. Datascape methods for heritage planning professionals. Host: BEZAL (IL) (CLOSED)

‘Shifting demographies and contested identities’

  1. Adaptation of urban heritage in multicultural society. Host: BEZAL (IL) (CLOSED)
  2. Urban regeneration and cultural identity. Host: ROMA3 (IT) (CLOSED)
  3. ESR12 = Heritage zoning and population dynamics. Host: TUD (NL) (CLOSED)

‘Changing Environments’

  1. Heritage development in large scale infrastructural project – a collaborative and trans-disciplinary approach. Host: UGOT (SE) (CLOSED)
  2. Disappearing landscapes of Apulia – towards a participatory model of conservation of cultural landscape. Host: VUA (NL) (CLOSED)
  3. Heritage as lever of economic growth and social renewal in post-industrial landscapes. Host: UNEW (UK) (CLOSED)